10 May 2007

May Apple blooming today

I am so blessed. Every day, God reveals another person who cares about me, who is thinking about me, praying for me, and encouraging me. I was able to share with my good Christian friend Tammy today that I truly feel that God ordained this cancer for me, and that it is a privilege to travel this road with Him. And Robin came and took me to the most lovely lunch--we laughed and cried and talked about the Lord and the things we want to do for Him. I have a family that I adore, a home that is a little piece of heaven on earth (today the May Apples are starting to bloom), a job I love, and wonderful friends.

Yes, I am in cancer treatment, and yes, it is very hard. BUT--I know and trust the Lord, I have wonderful caregivers, my treatments and medical care are excellent and convenient, I have insurance--I could go on and on.

Love and appreciate your life, no matter what. Remember that the Lord will give us beauty for ashes!


Anonymous said...


I sent you a present in a big box.


thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Ha-ha! Of course it's the weekend, and I have to wait . . .

I hope you sent yourself; I have been thinking about you. I was looking at my ferns and wondering if yours survived the winter? If not, I'll bring you more.