23 May 2007

Chemo Report

Chemo day worse than last time; they say the effects are cumulative, and each one will be a little worse than the one before. I was sick, and spent a lot of floor time yesterday evening (why is it you feel better on the floor than on the couch on in a bed when your really nauseous?) Anyway, I took another anti-nausea drug and fell asleep on the living room floor about 10 pm and woke up at 11 feeling some-what better.

Don't feel too bad today (at least not yet; it's 7 am)--not great, but not bad. Took my anti-nausea drug and my steriods. Please keep praying; this worries my family. Morgan isn't scheduled at either of her two summer jobs today, so she is available to help me. I'll keep you posted.

Three treatments down and three different ones to go . . . hallelujah!


Anonymous said...

Words can't express how sorry and sad I am to see you going through this Mindy. Still praying for you!

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

I covet and thank you for your prayers, but don't be sad. I know that God has ordained this journey for me for my good, and I believe the good of others, as well. Is it hard? Yes, but worth it.

When I became a Stephen Leader at our church last summer, I KNEW God would have to teach me the lesson of receiving help from others. I always like to be on the giving end, you see. But what a blessing to know SO MANY PEOPLE have reached out to me with support, prayer, emails, cards, and presents. I have been humbled beyond measure at their (and your) faithfulness in caring for me. Every day I am honored by how God shows his love for me through answered prayer and through his people.

Anonymous said...


The following quote was part of Dr. Jim Childs' update page this evening. (For those of you who are not familiar with Dr. Childs, he is our local pathologist who had the tragic fall over the hillside behind Morris Tire in April.)

'Feelings are much like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.'
~Jonatan MÃ¥rtensson

I could not help but think of you and the choices that you have made through out your diagnosis and treatment when I read this quote. Every day we are constantly making choices regarding how we are going to live our lives that day. Will we be joyful or grouchy? Will we be an encouragement to others or bring discouragement into a gathering. My mind goes back to a lesson I heard once, probably in a Beth Moore Bible study, and the theme was "I CHOOSE JOY!" It just really impressed on me how much of my enjoyment of everyday is simply my choice in how I will respond to the circumstances that are happening. That lesson has always stuck with me and the LORD often convicts me of negative attitudes and responses to circumstance by reminding me that I need to "choose Joy." This JOY is not always reflected in a outward laughter, although many times it can be, but an inward peace in knowing that the Joy I have is from the fruit of the Spirit in my life.

Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on for so long, but I started all of this to say, that we all are seeing the choices you are making to "Choose Joy" in your circumstances. To share what is happening with a peace that can only come from the Spirit of God. Thank you Mindy, for not choosing to ride the wave of pity and dispair, but for choosing joy and emulating that to all of us. We love you and are praying for you daily. -- Pam

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Pam ~
You are ALWAYS such an encouragement to me!
God bless,