27 February 2009

Hard @ Work

I saw my husband unloading here on my
way home from work today.
I like to watch him at work; he is so 
fast and efficient--no wasted motions.

A Bluebird of Happiness

This is a North American Bluebird on my clothesline today!
We love bluebirds; my husband built special houses for them.
Usually, little sparrows or wrens end up nesting in the bluebird boxes, 
but we had some bluebirds last year, and hopefully, this year.
I wish you could see how bright the blue is on the males . . . 
I'll work on trying to get some closer pictures when the 
weather is nicer.  Come, Spring!

18 February 2009

Foggy Afternoon

This is one of the Stony Hollow ponds below
our house.  Creepy foggy afternoon today.

15 February 2009

Worthington Ducks

Sometimes we see these ducks crossing 422
with babies in tow.  Scary.
Somebody feeds them by the Worthington Firehall.

08 February 2009

Hawk Heaven

"Hawk Heaven" sounded 
better as a post title than "Dead Hawk."
This is the second hawk to hit 
the same living room window.
The odd thing is that the window they hit 
is just a regular, smallish window. 
 We have two other choices in the living room--big 
front windows or high, cathedral ceiling ones.  
Go figure.
The first hawk hit when Morgan was home a few weeks ago.
He survived--he had snow all over his face, but he sat in 
the bush for a while and apparently recovered.
This one broke his neck, poor thing. 
Isn't he beautiful?