21 May 2007

Chemo Day Changed

My chemo day was changed until tomorrow (Tuesday) because of a hospital golf outing (!) It's a bad idea, apparently, to be giving people chemotherapy drugs when the doctors are golfing . . . . This is my third round with these 3 drugs, so I'm an old hand by now. (The final 3 treatments, however, are with a different drug--taxotere--so we don't know what to expect on June 11th.)

I will feel pretty bad for the next week, so I appreciate extra prayer. I'm having lymphedema rehab today instead, chemo tomorrow, a Neulasta shot, fluids, and rehab on Wednesday (if I'm up to it), and hopefully, rehab on Friday (again, if I'm up to it).

I continue to be awed and humbled by all the people who tell me that they pray for me. God is good, and so are His people! THANK YOU.


Unknown said...


I didn't realize that your arm was swelling. I'm sorry about that. I'll pray for you especially tomorrow.

I was encouraged by your testimony that God ordained your cancer and your ability to see all the blessings he has given you in the midst of this trial

I know you are suffering though and I want you to know I think and pray for you often.

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Thank you, Lorrie. I'm so sorry to have missed the women's retreat this year--I'm sure it was a blessing to everyone; I prayed it would be.