31 March 2007

Scenes from Rehoboth Farm 3.30.07

We named our little farmette after a scripture in Genesis: Isaac was re-digging the wells of his father Abraham that the Philistines had stopped and filled with dirt. "And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth*, saying. 'For now the LORD has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land'" [Genesis 26:22].
*"Rehoboth" means broad places, or room enough.

28 March 2007

Dave Burchett's "Cancer Chronicles"

I got a lovely response from Dave Burchett, the author of the article on trials I posted last. He and his wife Joni have just passed the 1 year mark in Joni's own breast cancer journey, and I wanted to share his Cancer Chronicles with you, as these posts were such a blessing to me. Like me and my husband, they did not want to waste her cancer.

Here is a quote from the introductory post: "A word of encouragement to those beginning the journey. Cancer is scary. The treatments seem overwhelming. But here is what Joni and I have learned. God gives you the grace and strength to take this journey one step and one day at a time. You will look back at the end and wonder, “how did I do that?” Be encouraged that you can. Stay steadfast in your faith. Keep your sense of humor as much as possible. Determine that the cancer has picked a formidable foe and don’t give in.
You can do it. We did. "

Thank you, Dave & Joni. May God bless you richly for sharing your encouraging story.

25 March 2007

from "Confessions of a Bad Christian"

This devotional on Crosswalk.com was an encouragement to me today:

The Joy of Trials? by David Burchett

While in Gatlinburg we stopped by a local shop called Alewine Pottery and I was immediately fascinated by the open work area. There was the owner making vases and pots right before my eyes. Behind me were shelves of the finished products - colorful and beautiful and functional.

I watched him take a nondescript piece of clay and skillfully make an unique and beautiful creation. The verse from Isaiah came to mind.

O Lord, you are our Father.
We are the clay, and you are the potter.
We all are formed by your hand.

Suddenly that verse came to life. But the complexity of the potter’s work and his skills made the metaphor really connect for the first time. The forming of the raw material into unique forms is just the beginning of the process. That is how it is with us as unique creations of our Father. He forms us by His hand. Like the pottery in that shop, everyone of us is an original. But our process is also complex and it has just begun when we first submit to shaping by the Potter’s Hands.

The potter must make sure that no dirt or impurities are in the clay as he forms the pot. If he finds those impurities he carefully removes them before finishing the shaping. These bad materials will make the pot weak and not useful for it’s intended purpose. God desires to do the same with us. Impurities (sin) weaken us and keep us from our intended purpose.

The potter must also make sure that air bubbles don’t remain in the clay. Air bubbles can cause the pot to crack when the heat is applied in the kiln. I thought of those air bubbles as pockets of resistance in my life. I can appear to be molded to God’s direction. But I have “bubbles” of pride and anger and control. These bubbles of self can cause me to crack under fire.

The metaphors that Scripture uses are so powerful when we take the time to understand context and culture. I realized that the pot on the potter’s wheel is beautiful but essentially useless when it is initially formed. The pot is carefully dried and set aside. At this point the piece is called greenware and it is extremely brittle and easily breakable. Two things need to happen to make the pot strong and usable. The clay must go through the fire of the kiln to be strengthened and it must be glazed. An article on pottery at Wikipedia had an interesting parallel to the spiritual metaphor.

Pottery is made by forming a clay body into objects of a required shape and heating them to high temperatures in a kiln to induce reactions that lead to permanent changes, including increasing their strength and hardening and setting their shape.

Trials by fire can have that same effect on us as followers of Jesus. Trials can make us stronger and set our shape as His followers. Or the fire of life’s trials can harden us against God and make us useless for His plan.

I realized that I am just beginning to really understand that process in my life. I would be content to stay in my greenware state, brittle and not useful for service. But God knows that it is in the fire that we are strengthened and made useful. It is in the heat of trials that the true beauty of our creative process is revealed. And every instance of significant growth in my life has been in the fire of adversity.

There are a couple of huge differences between the earthly potter and God as the Potter. When the earthly potter finds a bad piece of clay he will just discard it. Our Heavenly Potter patiently works with us even when we seem unshapable. If careless handling or air bubbles cause an unfired pot to break the pieces are discarded. Only our Heavenly Father can take the shards of brokenness and make a pot more beautiful and useful than before.

The words of James made more sense in the context of the potter’s process.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

There is no joy in the trial but there is joy in the knowledge of how God uses such events in our lives. If you are in the trial or facing a trial be comforted that God desires for you to emerge strengthened and beautiful and useful. One potter said that the greatest thing about making pots is that each lump of clay has near-infinite potential. The lump of clay that is me and the lump of clay that is you has infinite potential because we have an infinite God. I pray that we will allow Him to shape us in His image. I pray that we will confess the impurity of sin and ask Him to remove it. I pray that we will burst the bubbles of self that control us. I pray that we will trust the Heavenly Potter as we enter the fire. And most of all I pray that we will not fear the process that God uses to make us beautiful and useful creations.

23 March 2007

Symbol of Hope

My friend Mary Ellen brought me the American Cancer Society's symbol of hope--daffodils!

Somebody must be praying

Hey, I don't look good (by any stretch of the imagination!), but my swelling is not as bad as the nurse predicted. My eye never did swell shut, and this should the worst day.

Petsmart does NOT equal smart pet

We stopped at the new Petsmart at Pittsburgh Mills on the way home from my surgery Wednesday. We bought a new squeaky toy for Grace and some cat grass seeds for the kitties, who have chewed my gift plants down to nubbins.

Grace loves new squeakies, and promptly squeaked it 132 times (well, I didn't actually count . . . ) and broke the squeaker. One play session and broken already.

22 March 2007

Where can I find a good pink wig?

Renatta Signorini, a delightful young reporter from the Leader Times, wrote a wonderful article about my "Mindy's No Hair Day" fundraiser, published in yesterday's edition here.

The only pink wigs, however, that I can find are Halloween/costume wigs. Hmmm. I'm considering trying to dye a white one with Rit, because synthetic wigs won't take hair dye. Karen at Angel Haire thinks it will dye my head pink. Anyone have any advice?

Adding insult to injury

Surgery yesterday to remove a skin cancer from my face went fine, although it was more of an ordeal than I thought it would be.

Marla the Nurse getting ready to take the "before" photo.

I thought I would go home with a little band-aid--silly me! Marla told me that I can expect to look like I went several rounds with Rocky in 48 hours, with a black eye that will probably swell completely shut. I'll think about posting a photo of that.

16 March 2007

Duck Walk

The river was high today, but had already reached its peak by 8 am, when this photo was taken.

Funny to see ducks where the people steps are. BTW, Morgan and I saw a baby domestic duck years ago along the trail in Manorville. We were worried about it, because the wild ducks wouldn't let it eat. I wonder if this is the same white duck? How long do ducks live, anyway?

10 March 2007


Fundraiser to Fight Breast Cancer

Mindy and friends will shave their heads to raise money to fight breast cancer.

All funds raised will be collected by the nonprofit


and passed directly through to the


to fight breast cancer.

4 ways you can help!

1. Become a MAJOR EVENT SPONSOR with $1000 or more

2. Volunteer to shave your head & raise $$$ in sponsorships

3. Donate by sending your personal check to the ACCF

4. Forward this request to your friends and ask them to help, too

Donors will be recognized on the ACCF website, http://www.accfound.org/,

and mindy2.0, http://mindyknappenberger.blogspot.com/

All donations are 100% tax deductible

and 100% of proceeds will go directly to fight breast cancer.

You may donate online at my FirstGiving Fundraising page:


Or mail your check payable to ACCF (write Magee in the memo line):

ACCF, 160 N. McKean Street, Kittanning, PA 16201.

Major Sponsors (promised to date):

Klingensmith’s Drug Stores

Sugar Creek Rest~Chicora Medical Center~Quality Pharmacy

Look closely

My garden looks pretty sad today, right? But wait . . .

Look closer.
In my grove, bulbs are even coming up through the dead leaves.

We get to witness life come from death every Spring! Who else could do that but God?

08 March 2007

Just when I'm feeling sorry for myself, God

I was feeling pretty sorry for myself today. I have a procedure and a test tomorrow, both of which are a little scary to me. I went into the bedroom this evening and just glanced out the window, and saw a fox! I had seen one crossing the road on the way up to our house once before, but never on our property.

It was pretty far away, so the photos are blurry, but I know God gave me that fox to show me that He is here, and He knows how I'm feeling. We watched the fox for quite a while--he entertained us by leaping up in the air and pouncing on the snow several times.

God is good.

06 March 2007

More doctors, more tests

I saw Dr. Diane BuchBarker today for a second chemo opinion. I really like her, and felt she spent much more time with me, and personalized my tx regimen to my specific cancer. My treatment will be agressive, but I am (relatively!) young and healthy.

I'm rather tired of doctor's offices, tests, and procedures, so I will appreciate prayer for the following: Friday morning I will have a port surgically inserted in my arm at ACMH; Friday afternoon I am having my MUGA radioactive heart test at Butler Memorial Hospital; Monday morning I need an ultrasound of what we think is an ovarian cyst at ACMH; Wednesday 21 March I'm spending the entire day having a basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer) removed from my face by Dr. Zitelli in Pittsburgh; Monday 9 April I finally begin my chemo at Kittanning.

I am really tired today; I think it's emotional, probably from stress. I'm used to having enough energy for two people . . .

03 March 2007

Breast Cancer Buddies

This is my friend Nancy (isn't she pretty?), who also has breast cancer. We graduated from Kittanning High School together, had surgery a week and a half apart, and will be going through chemotherapy and radiation together, too. I'm sorry Nancy has cancer, but happy that we have each other. Talk about mixed feelings . . . ! Our good friend Dawn took this photo when they visited me today.

02 March 2007

Celebration at Don Pablo's

My oldest friend (in friend-years, not years in age!) Sue graciously took me to see my surgeon today and--yay!--I got my drain out. Thank you all for praying.

And--another yay!--I got an appointment with Armstrong's cancer center next Tuesday!

From my heart

My friend Karen H sent this email to me, and it so perfectly said what I feel daily. I wanted to share it with you . . .