31 May 2008

Saturday @ Rehoboth Farm

May Apple

Sleeping baby mouse.




White Columbine.

Japanese Strawberry.


28 May 2008

I did it AGAIN

At least this time they are the same shoe, just different colors.          Sigh.

For those who don't know about my handicap, you can read about it here.

26 May 2008

I LOVE my flowers

Creeping phlox.
Blue phlox.

19 May 2008

Creepy Cat Eyes

A cat (that is Boo's almost-twin!) appeared for the first time in our yard this evening.  Grace chased it up an oak tree.  After I put the dog in the house, the cat lowered itself backwards very adeptly down the tree, and ran into the woods.  My husband already said I can't keep it.  We'll see.  :)

My perennial garden has exploded in bloom

Columbine is one of my favorites.

A visit to Parker

I had business in Parker today--did you know that Parker is the smallest city in the US?

This is how tenacious dandilions are--this one is growing in a brick wall.

Baby geese on the river.

13 May 2008

My Bloody Valentine

I had to work late tonight.  This activity started about 5 PM across the street.

When it started to get dark, you could see the Sprankle's sign through the fake Mercer sign.  According to the paper, they are filming a remake of a 1981 slasher film, "My Bloody Valentine."  Sigh.

After dark, some women went into the store carrying winter coats with fur-trimmed hoods.  Oh, yeah, it's supposed to be winter.
I don't think I'll be seeing this one . . . .

11 May 2008

I love this

I forget what this flower is, but today it's my favorite . . .

09 May 2008


The Newseum is a brand new museum in Washington, DC.
The Newseum is dedicated to the freedom of the press; the First Amendment is on the building.

50 front pages of newspapers all over the world are displayed every day, and are available on the website.

8 panels of the Berlin Wall are displayed inside the building, along with a 3 story guard tower.

I loved the experience, and it was really fun to hear how much kids enjoyed it. I actually heard a 13-ish year old boy say that the Newseum was the coolest museum he had ever visited.