30 May 2007

Wednesday morning flowers


Anonymous said...

always honor God with your blog dear. I don't quite understand why you shaved your head, it makes a mockery out of God's will for your hair. It's like saying "God I am rejecting what you want for my hair and I'm taking this into my own hands." tsk. tsk.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I am not sure why you feel the need to personally attack these Harvest blogs and their authors, however let me assure you, you will not affect their faith in Christ. I pray for you heart.

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Thank you for defending me, Janette, but I'm okay with the comment. I know that God knows that my heart is only to honor Him and bring Him glory.

Actually, a surprising number of people are offended and even angry--not that I shaved my head (I would have been bald in a few more days, anyway)--but that I have chosen to live as a woman without hair. It's an interesting turn of events that I had not anticipated. I'm not sure why some people are so upset--what do others think?

Anonymous said...

Mindy, we think you are beautiful, hair or no hair! and appreciate your testimony and love for God through not-so-easy times. I would humbly add that I would guess God is ok with you shaving your head as he knows the new # of hairs that will be growing in :).
Rodney, Annette, Charis and Hannah

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Thank you, Rodney, Annette, Charis and Hannah!

Margie said...

Mindy you are so beautiful and amazing and wonderful! It was so nice to see you today at the Belmont! You are such a role model for us all!

Oh, and "anonymous", I can't wait to see your very, very long hair in church because I'm sure you've never cut it for that would be you rejecting God growing your hair.....right??? We should be able to pick you out pretty easy. :)