28 April 2009

I need only $5 of your money!

I'm over half-way to my goal--please spare at least $5 for the Life Choices "Walk for Life" and help me reach my goal. Click on the "Donate" button to the right, or call me--I'll pick up your check made payable to "Life Choices." THANKS! God bless.

26 April 2009

Cobra @ the Runway Restaurant

A GREAT day for a motorcycle ride and supper at the Runway.

17 April 2009

A perfect bike ride

Armstrong Trail in Ford City.
A perfect day.

15 April 2009

I'm raising money for Life Choices!

Go here to donate to my page, or click on the firstgiving widget to the right.
Please be cool and dig deep! OK, digging shallow is better than nothing :)
Thank you! You rock! No, really . . .

14 April 2009

Yum @ Speedy's

Raspberry sherbet . . . need I say more?

13 April 2009

Beth Moore Simulcast ~ August 28-29

Harvest Community Church women's committee meeting to plan for the Beth Moore simulcast on August 28-29, 2009! You don't want to miss this life-changing opportunity to learn from Beth Moore in the company of women who love God. Contact me through "comments" below if you are interested--I'll be in touch!!

12 April 2009

Easter Fun

Morgan dropped Bobby's egg and broke it :)

Bobby brought me a beautiful mum;
I know just where I'll plant it.

I made Margie's mandarin orange cake for dessert

Burger & Morgan color eggs and hid them for me to find

They think I secretly like it . . .


I <3 Burger's home-made cards--I never want a bought one.

11 April 2009

Deer at Sunset

A nice Saturday to split firewood

Look at the size of this log!

Workin' hard.

One pile finished.

Pile #2. Whew!

09 April 2009

Thank You, Jesus!

Hallelujah! He is Risen

Jesus is not on the cross--He is risen!

God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it [Acts 2:24]. Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified [Acts 2:36].

Can you even believe this?

A big bird crashed into my car today and broke it.
I think it was a kamikaze grouse!