16 July 2008

I have the most wonderful husband!

I have wanted Bee Balm for years, but never got around to getting any.  I was working last evening at an event, and was coveting our hostess' Bee Balm. When I got home at 9:45 last evening, I found a note from my husband (we never saw each other at all yesterday--we live in the same house, but sometimes work really different schedules) telling me to see what was growing beside the beans in the garden . . . 

I went out at 6 am this morning, and found a whole row of Bee Balm!  He had spent his evening while I was working hunting it up along the creek and digging it up to temporarily transplant into the vegetable garden for me.  How thoughtful.


Anonymous said...

I always like Bee Balm but never new what it was called. Your husband is wonderful and thoughtful...Again beautiful pictures on your blog- Mandy

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Thanks, Mandy! Take care.

Mike Greiner said...

Burger is a good husband, please, don't let word out that he is the "best" husband. I have my wife convinced that it's me. If you tell her other wise I'm in trouble!

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Actually, Lorrie does think you're the best, so I think you're safe!

Margie said...

I'm with Mandy, I never knew what those flowers were called. Your husband is very sweet!!!

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

He has his moments!
Thanks, Margie.