18 August 2007

Nancy's last chemo tx

Praise God for giving me a friend like Nancy. Celebrate with us--her last chemo treatment was Friday!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nancy!! I am so glad that you & Mindy have each other to encourage each other in a way that those of us who have not experienced cancer or chemo can do. However, we can pray and love both of you, and the LORD can understand and be what we cannot.

Mindy, how is your arm doing? I noticed that you have it wrapped in the photograph. Has there been any change? Is the swelling still pretty bad? Will the radiation affect your arm? I will be praying as you start your radiation treatments tomorrow. Keep us posted, we love your updates and your willingness to share this journey with us, and it is a privilege to pray for you!! Love ya -- Pam

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Thanks for your prayers, Pam. The lymphedema in my arm is better than it was; however, the radiation can make it swell again.

Nancy will be starting radiation in probably 3 or 4 weeks--please keep her in her prayer, as well.

You are so awesome and so faithful--you truly are an example to me!