14 August 2007

He leads me

My apologies for not attending to my blog for the past few weeks-many friends have contacted me out of concern. I just felt too bad (extreme fatigue was the worst symptom) from my last chemo treatment (notice I said LAST chemo treatment!) to do anything but work and go home and rest. Between feeling lousy and being really busy at work, I haven't had the time or the energy to devote to my blog.

I have started the planning process for my radation treatments (who knew there was a planning process!?). I have two more visits to radiation oncology this week, then I will begin my first of 30 radiation treatments next Monday. Possible side effects are burning of the skin, fatigue, scarring of the lung and reduced lung capacity, heart damage, and broken ribs (although they told me the last one is rare--they have only ever seen one person with a broken rib.) Given my track record with side effects (I have had side effects that are so rare that the nurses at Kittanning's oncology unit have never seen them until me), I would greatly appreciate prayer for protection . . .

I am feeling much better since this weekend, and am even riding my bike again! One of my favorite rides is along the Allegheny River through Manorville, Ford City, and Rosston. (The park bench pictured above is in Manorville across from the Methodist church.)

God has been, and will continue to be, faithful--praise His holy name.

1 comment:

Margie said...

Hooray on the "last chemo treatment". WOO HOO! Thank you God, for getting Mindy through these chemo treatments! We know You love her and we praise You for her life!