11 May 2008

I love this

I forget what this flower is, but today it's my favorite . . .


Anonymous said...

I always called them "ochidish, purplish, pinkish, fuzzy posies". But, I bet there's a shorter name for them. Is that what they're called? :o)

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Oh, yeah . . . orpurpifuzzpoes! That's it!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what this is called, or that I have seen it either. But I just thought I would remind you to make sure to count the leaves!! Just teasing. (posion ivy)


thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Gayla is referring to the time I made a wreath out of poison ivy! In my defense, it was early spring, and the leaves weren't out, yet. It was the cutest wreath, too (but I had to throw the jeans I was wearing that day away--no matter how many times I washed them, I got poison ivy back when I wore them. That was really an awful case of poison ivy at the time, but a funny story now . . . :).

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

I looked through my perennial book--it's a FOAMFLOWER. Descriptive name, huh?