31 May 2008

Saturday @ Rehoboth Farm

May Apple

Sleeping baby mouse.




White Columbine.

Japanese Strawberry.



Anonymous said...

Absolutely Beautiful!!!!!!

You are such a good photographer.

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Thank you, Pam! I enjoy sharing God's creation as I see it.
God bless!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful!!!!!! The mouse is sooooooooo adorable!!!! I just wouldn't want to see one IN my house! God has definitely given you a gift with your photography!!

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Thanks, Margie! We thought the little mousie was hurt or sick, because it was breathing, but its little eyes were closed. Burger touched it to move it to the woods where the dog wouldn't get it, and it woke up and took off like a shot! Musta been sleeping . . . Cute.

Anonymous said...

With all those cats around, that poor mouse had to be tired! He was probably taking a power nap!

Mike Greiner said...

Outstanding photos. getting better.

(did you step on the mouse after the photo? just wondering)

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Mike, I did not step on the cute little mousie.

I'm curious--what do you think needs improvement in my photography? I only ever win honorable mentions, and don't know what I'm doing wrong. I suspect a lack of imagination, but I'm not sure.


Mike Greiner said...

wow. what lacks? I can't guess.

maybe it's like the oscars. To win, normal people need to not understand it.

Keep shooting what you like. you're a winner in my book.

(ps. I only asked about the mouse because if one is every seen in my house, I am called upon by the lady of the estate to dispose of it)