28 March 2007

Dave Burchett's "Cancer Chronicles"

I got a lovely response from Dave Burchett, the author of the article on trials I posted last. He and his wife Joni have just passed the 1 year mark in Joni's own breast cancer journey, and I wanted to share his Cancer Chronicles with you, as these posts were such a blessing to me. Like me and my husband, they did not want to waste her cancer.

Here is a quote from the introductory post: "A word of encouragement to those beginning the journey. Cancer is scary. The treatments seem overwhelming. But here is what Joni and I have learned. God gives you the grace and strength to take this journey one step and one day at a time. You will look back at the end and wonder, “how did I do that?” Be encouraged that you can. Stay steadfast in your faith. Keep your sense of humor as much as possible. Determine that the cancer has picked a formidable foe and don’t give in.
You can do it. We did. "

Thank you, Dave & Joni. May God bless you richly for sharing your encouraging story.

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