06 March 2007

More doctors, more tests

I saw Dr. Diane BuchBarker today for a second chemo opinion. I really like her, and felt she spent much more time with me, and personalized my tx regimen to my specific cancer. My treatment will be agressive, but I am (relatively!) young and healthy.

I'm rather tired of doctor's offices, tests, and procedures, so I will appreciate prayer for the following: Friday morning I will have a port surgically inserted in my arm at ACMH; Friday afternoon I am having my MUGA radioactive heart test at Butler Memorial Hospital; Monday morning I need an ultrasound of what we think is an ovarian cyst at ACMH; Wednesday 21 March I'm spending the entire day having a basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer) removed from my face by Dr. Zitelli in Pittsburgh; Monday 9 April I finally begin my chemo at Kittanning.

I am really tired today; I think it's emotional, probably from stress. I'm used to having enough energy for two people . . .


Anonymous said...

Hang in there. I'm sure you are really exhausted. I don't want to remind you but you have been through a lot these last several months. We need to get you to take time to rest, not only your body, but your mind as well. You have had a lot to process and many important decisions to make. It's OK to be tired, you just had surgery, remember??? If it wasn't so late I would see if I could come over to make you some tea so that you could just relax for a while. I was just reading Psalm 91 & 92, they are both very encouraging chapters. I used to read Psalm 91 to my mom's foster mother, it was her favorite scripture. I am praying for you, thank you for the regular updates and the glimpses into what you are experiencing. I pray you have a restful night. Remember, one day at a time is how you can get through these difficult times. We will be praying each day and the LORD will give you the grace you need each day. You are in great hands, with the doctors, but especially our Heavenly Father's hands. Love Pam

Anonymous said...

I know you are so tired of test and doctors but the road to success is always under construction. You are never alone, I think of you constantly and will call you tonight.
Love you much!!

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Thanks, guys! My family and friends are such an encouragement to me.

Anonymous said...

when routine, minor interactions with the medical world can be tiresome and leave me out of sorts, I can't imagine the "run the gauntlet" nature of your experiences. my random thoughts are bouncing between "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength" and "in quietness and trust will be your strength" and "though outwardly we are being destroyed, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day..." some rather loose paraphrases I realize. just thinking how your current life is rich in opportunities to learn the truth of this theme, that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. hmmm.
love and prayers,