10 July 2008

I'm so easily entertained . . .

I love my flowers and just every little thing about where I live.  One of the hydrangeas is blooming.

The echinacea also started to bloom this week.

Burger found this little toad when he was mowing.  Look how tiny!

Then we found a big toad, too (although there is a much bigger one living around the porch.)

Another tiny toad.  Aren't they cute?!  Look at their little bitty eyes . . . .

We have a Bob White this year; we hear him every day.

This one is a male--black and white.  (The female is yellow with a brown mask).


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!! I love looking at your photos. Keep on posting...

thechickenwithherheadcutoff said...

Thanks, Pam. It's an encouragement to know that people enjoy the pictures.
God bless!