19 October 2008

Sunday at Home

Our home is right next to the woods.
Demi is our little grumpy girl.  Look at those whiskers!
Gracie the goofy Golden Retriever.
I love the October sky.

18 October 2008

I made apple pie today,

and Riley helped.
He tried to eat the shortening and the flour, and then sat his furry black bottom in the flour.  Sigh.
I don't blame you if you don't want to eat at my house . . .

12 October 2008

175 Mile Fall Leave Ride

We went from Worthington, through Plumville, turned left at some road toward Punxsy, then left to Brookville, then Marienville, then Clarion, then home through Sligo, Rimersburg, and East Brady.

We rode behind this little guy for awhile.  He has teeth, a tiny helmet, and what I think are two tiny beer cans.

It was a perfect Indian Summer day.

Yellowing ferns on the Lolita road in Marienville.

Pretty fall leaves.

Scary Halloween moon on the way home.

We got to the Brady's Bend lookout just as the sun went down.

11 October 2008

Infinity is having a masquerade party,

so Dawn and I went shopping for masks.  
(We tried on other stuff, too!)
Dawn bought a costume for another party, but I won't show it here, so it will be a surprise when she goes.  She will look so cute . . .

I think this is a Who Christmas tree on my hat.

These masks were hand-made and very expensive--we bought less costly ones.
Infinity is my women's giving circle where I work.  Any woman who wants to see what it's about can attend our Autumn Masquerade on October 27th for $15--contact me for details.  Infinity grantmaker members ($1/day/year) come for free.

06 October 2008

Portersville Steam Show

My husband loves anything with an engine.  The Portersville Steam Show was more fun than I thought it would be.  Here is a replica of an old-time gas station.

Look at the price of gas--18 cents/gallon + 3 cents tax!

Fuel delivery on a motorcycle--Burger's new cost-saving plan for work.

Many of the machines dated from the 1800's.  This one was manufactured in Beaver Falls.

My husband's family members are "all John Deer all the time."  I thought he would be shunned when we bought a Kubota, so I thought this was funny . . . .