28 April 2008

Vote for Boo LeMew Clawsby!

Boo LeMew Clawsby is entered in the Pittsburgh Penguins Fan Photo contest, and we need your vote!
You can vote up to 25 times between now and Friday, so please help us win Pens tickets.
When you go to vote, LOG IN, then choose "Vote Now," then choose page 9.  Boo's pic is the third row down on the right (the last photo on this page; Boo is posing in front of a white "Let's Go Pens" towel.)
Please feel free to forward this to any friends that wouldn't mind helping.
Remember, you can vote 25 times!
Thanks so much.

27 April 2008

More flowers

Apple Blossoms (I saw a bee--yay!)

Boo LeMew Clawsby aka Furry

Boo loves to play hockey.  His paws are faster than the speed of light propelling a milk cap across the kitchen floor in his Boo LeMew Clawsby persona (catsona?)
Sometimes he plays goalie--he can catch any piece 
of food you can shoot at him.  Then, he goes by "Furry."

The Trib is running a Pens fan photo contest.  I have to upload a photo by midnight tonight (Sunday), and I haven't decided which one, yet.   Hmmmm.

14 April 2008

OK, I'm gonna talk about it . . .

This is a colonoscope.  

I had a colonoscopy today, and although I'm embarrassed to talk about it, I want to share how easy and painless it was.  The preparation wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, and I was asleep through the entire procedure.  Easy!  Don't dread it, and don't put it off.

I had planned to take photos, but I hurt my lower back just before we left for the hospital (still can't stand up straight), so the camera was just too much.  I couldn't take any pain medication, so just getting from the house to the car to the special procedures waiting room, etc., was enough of a challenge for today.  

BTW, my test results were fine, except for some diverticulosis.  Dr. Lipsitz says I'm not supposed to eat nuts or seeds, which makes my husband happy (I'm always bringing home stone ground multi-grain bread with lots of crunchies in it--yum).  How can I not eat nuts or seeds?  I eat berries almost every day, and nuts often (OK, mostly chocolate with almonds . . . )  Several websites encourage eating nuts/seeds/lots of the high fiber stuff I love.  Whew.

Thank you for prayer!

11 April 2008

Friday Evening at Our House

Turkeys in the field.
Rain + Sun = Rainbow
The daffodils are blooming!
I made this one B&W, and blurred the edges . . .
There were 7 deer in the field, too, 
but it was too dark to get a photo.
I love living in the country!

08 April 2008

Bicycle Trail

I rode my bike today for the first time this year.  Last year, I couldn't ride my usual 10 miles until the last time I rode in October--I just didn't have the energy.  This year, praise God!, I rode 10 miles the first time!  Admittedly, it was a perfect day (not too hot/not too cold), the ground was dry and hard (no drag or rolling resistance), and the wind was light (why does Ford City have a head wind no matter which direction you're traveling?  I'm not the only one who has noticed this--my friend Scot says the same thing!)

This photo is adorable; this young dad had a baby in the bicycle seat behind him, his little girl beside him on the tiniest bicycle I've ever seen (complete with training wheels), and a dog on a leash.  So cute.

06 April 2008

Spring is Springing (finally!)

Thank you, God, for such a wonderful weekend.  I am so grateful that I could work outside all day Saturday and clean up my biggest perennial bed (I wasn't up to it last year).  I have a smile on my face still today, I am so happy.

These are the bleeding hearts, some of my favorite spring flowers.

The raspberry canes are budding.  (We cut most of them down, but Burger left a few standing this year to see if we could get some early berries.  We have red ones and golden ones.)

These are the day lilies that I showed you last week--getting bigger!  They usually bloom from mid-June to mid-July, but I think everything might be late this year.

Burger transplanted 3 little patches of daffodils for me last year.  I was happy that they survived and came up.  There are several buds.

I love columbine, and have several plants--mostly purple, but one white one and one pink.

New green strawberry leaves in the patch.  

04 April 2008


The Smasher (the machine, not the very nice tech, Marci.)

All tests today (MRI, sonography, and mammogram) seem to have gone well; I don't have official reports, of course, but my technicians seemed pleased with the films and results. Keep you posted! THANK YOU for prayer.

03 April 2008

One of my very favorite blogs

I just had to share this post from Dave Burchett's blog, "Confessions of a Bad Christian." He is humble and wise and very funny. Enjoy: It's All in the Mind?