Merry Christmas from Burger, Mindy, & Morgan!

and still gets up at 3:15 every morning.
No deer so far this year,
but he's looking forward to muzzle loader season.

Mindy is thankful for a year of good health
for all of us, and for God's grace.

Morgan and her boyfriend Bobby are Pittsburgh Penguins fans; we all had lots of fun at a Pens game this year. Morgan graduated with honors from Geneva College, and is an elementary substitute teacher for four different school districts. She has been accepted at Slippery Rock's graduate school, and will begin work on her master's degree in 2009. Morgan also is an AmeriCorps member, serving at Arts on the Allegheny.
Bobby is a Penn State grad, and is part-way through his master's at Clarion. He is a biology teacher and subbing as well, and is a fixture at Pondo.

Boo (nickname "Boo LeMew Clawsby")
is a reluctant Pens fan. He loves shooting
bottle cap hockey pucks under the stove.

Riley is the newest addition to our zoo of rescued
animals. He has the best purr of all the cats.

Demi is the Queen Kitty, the first of our current
houseful of pets, and the most beautiful.

Gracie could give Marley a run for his money,
but she is pretty and has a sweet personality.

Cody is our sweet tiger-man;
we inherited him from my nephew Jason.

We've had lots of winter weather so far
this year. It's been cold, but so pretty.

We wish our family and friends
a very Merry Christmas,
and a blessed year in 2009!
Most of all in these troubled times, we pray for the "peace that doesn't make sense" (Philippians 4:7 ), "for [we are] looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God" (Hebrews 11:10).
With all our love in Christ,
Burger, Mindy, & Morgan
(and Demi, Grace, Cody, Boo, and Riley, too!)