29 July 2007

Flowers make chemo side-effects easier to take

Aren't these beautiful?

Isn't God good?

Praise His Name!

25 July 2007

Magee-Womens Foundation

The Magee-Women's Foundation was kind enough to want to post my "Mindy's No Hair Day" fundraiser on their website!

You can view it here:
News & Publications.

How nice of them!

22 July 2007

God is Good

My apologies to my loyal readers who regularly check my blog--I have not posted for awhile. I have been discouraged this past week because of personal attacks on two separate fronts, but God is SOO GOOD . . . .

I was blessed beyond comprehension today by my God and my sisters and brothers in Christ. Church was awesome--in addition to the worship, the message, and my church family, I was blessed by two dear friends who came today for "Friend Sunday." So many people praying for me had such encouraging things to tell me.

My friend Gregg beautifully sang "His Eye is on the Sparrow" last week, one of my favorites. Debbie leaned up and told me that that song was for me. This week, Gregg came to tell me that he had sung that song for me! The Holy Spirit had told Debbie the week before. How awesome is our God?! How wonderful are His people!

Who am I that God should love me? That I should be blessed by such a wonderful husband, daughter, family, church, job, and friends? I am amazed every day by my great God, and by His salvation. Praise His Name!!

Oh, and tomorrow (Monday) is my last chemo treatment! Thank you so much, my faithful pray-ers, who have helped me through this journey. On to 30 radiation treatments.

(I could also use prayer for protection this week regarding one of the attacks, which is on-going. I am also asking for special prayer for my attacker, who--as Jesus said-- 'knows not what he does.' I know my enemy is not flesh and blood.)

Take me out to the ball game . . .

The Pirates lost 1-0, but we still had fun. It was a perfect day, and the city looked so pretty.

Thank you, Robin, for the invitation--you rock!

11 July 2007

Armstrong Concert Band ~ Free Concerts!

The all-volunteer Armstrong Concert Band has been entertaining our community for 23 years. There are 3 free concerts left this summer:

July 24 CHRISTMAS IN JULY CONCERT 7:00 PM Crooked Creek Park Ford City
July 28 LAST CONCERT OF THE SUMMER 7:00 PM Ford Cliff Boro Building

My daughter and her friends play. Ages range from high school to musicians in their 80's!

Proud parents rarely miss a performance. Join us.

07 July 2007

Thank You, Snyder Associated Companies!

Awesome fireworks display tonight--thank you so much!

Today--July 7th--is our 28th wedding anniversary!

I cannot thank and praise God enough for a godly husband, a godly marriage, and a godly family.
Thank you, Lord!
Echinacea (purple coneflower)

05 July 2007

Appreciate Independence Day!

Miss the fireworks in Ford City? Here is a sample:

We live in the most wonderful nation on earth, where we have the freedom to worship our great God. Hallelujah!

02 July 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Today (Monday) is my birthday, and I had a chemo tx. To make lemonade out of lemons, I ordered myself a cake and picked up helium balloons to take with me. The balloon lady at Foodland asked me who the balloons were for--when I told her why I was getting them, she gave them to me for free! How sweet was that?

With me in the photo is one of my wonderful nurses, Barb. Linda ("Hutch") is the photographer. The beautiful flowers, card, and little gift are from my dear friend Chris.

All of the other patients and staff had cake, as well. Fun.