30 January 2007
26 January 2007
Meet Faith, Hope, & Charity
25 January 2007
Good News and New Shoes
I am scheduled for a segmental mastectomy on February 15th. They will also be removing the lymph nodes from my armpit--yippee. The pit part will probably be the worst; I will have a yucky drain for a while. After the surgery and pathology reports, we will discuss my tx.
I will be off work for a few weeks (that's what they think! Okay, I'll stay home, but I have a laptop and will be working. I love and need my work.) I will also be watching DVD's and reading books, a luxury I hardly ever have. I will post a wish list of DVD's I would like, and would appreciate any recommendations of fun movies you have enjoyed.
My niece Mandy bought a new pair of shoes for walking on her treadmill . . .
What a sweetie she is.
I love you all. Keep praying! "The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much" [James 5:16]. Your love and prayers have already done more for me than I could ever express. Thank you.
21 January 2007
Cats Rule and Dogs Drool
19 January 2007
My friend has cancer; what can I do?
17 January 2007
Lion in the Mirror
BUT, a friend sent me a cute email with this image:
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah lives in me!
16 January 2007
A message to "Me"
Is there anything about you that you care about other than yourself?
Can you at least explain on your blog why it is that you have all these comments about how wonderful you are! How magnificent! Yeah you have cancer but do you really need THAT many people saying you are just great?? Are you insecure? It seems like it's a Hall of Fame for YOU.
I am happy to explain: 1) I don't write the comments; I just post them (both positive and negative); 2) The purpose of my blog is not to honor me, but to honor the One who lives in me and died on the cross for me; 3) I am one of the most secure people I know, both because I know who I am, and I know Whose I am; 4) One of the greatest blessings of being a Christian is that in addition to my birth family and my family by marriage, I have a family in Christ. These comments on my blog are simply the family of God reaching out in love to their sister.
I truly strive not to take myself too seriously, but I take my faith very seriously. The comments these loving people have posted on this blog are humbling, because I know that it is Jesus Christ that they see when they look at me. All the honor and glory belongs to Him.
I am not a great person; I have a great God.
I have been praying for you. Jesus loves YOU, and He died and rose again so that you also might have new life in Him. Click here to read about what Christians call "the gospel," which means "Good News." Your attitude must be sincere--from the heart. Being a Christian is not what you say or do, it is who you ARE (the saying and doing will follow). If you need a Bible, Harvest Community Church will give you one. If you have not visited us, you are welcome.
11 January 2007
1. To inspire with courage, spirit, or hope: hearten
2. To spur on: stimulate
3. To give help or patronage to: foster
Synonyms--encourage, inspire, hearten, embolden
“Therefore, encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing”
[1 Thessalonians 5:11].
10 January 2007
Me & McGee
McGee is amazing. I am in the right place for my tx. Everyone was so professional, kind, and efficient. "You're going to do great!" "We will get you through this!" Dr. Bonaventura ordered an sonogram of the lymph nodes under my left arm (the side with the mass). The radiologist saw a "plump" node, so she did a fine needle aspiration biopsy; I should have the results by Monday.
09 January 2007
My new favorite color is PINK
~Found the lump before Thanksgiving. Bad feeling.
05 January 2007
OK, I have cancer. Send presents.
This week, I found out I have breast cancer. Already, I have praise reports! God is so good--I can see His timing, and His love being poured out to me, and the support of so many people who love me and have offered to do anything I need.
I would ask that you pray for strength and peace for my family, healing (of course), but most of all, that I would be a witness to the greatness of my God. I know that I will be able to say that I am grateful that I have gotten cancer. Stay tuned--God is going to do amazing things!
I have had more good days than bad. Something I didn't realize is that I would experience grief with a diagnosis like this. Now I know a little bit better how to help someone else, and so do you.
Don't pity me; pray for me. Don't feel bad; send presents.